Sunday, September 13, 2015

Week 2 Devotion-Adam and Eve

Read Genesis 2
Now reread Genesis 2:2-3.   By the seventh day God had finished the work He had been doing; so on the seventh day He rested from all His work. And God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it He rested from all the work of creating that He had done.
Rest, siesta, break, vacation, etc. all of these words describe a particular action that means to take time off, smell the roses, appreciate your blessings. But we have a hard time with this. For us, resting feels wrong. We feel bad when we are not working. Even on our days off, we have long lists of things that we need to cross off. So we do not rest. Have any of you ever needed a vacation after your vacation? You come back more exhausted than when you left?
This is problem that goes back to the Old Testament. It was not enough for God to say “Rest” instead, He needed to make rules, He needed to tell the Israelites exactly what they could and couldn’t do on the Sabbath.
As Christians, we do not follow the Sabbath rules anymore, we do not live by the legalistic rules of the Old Testament instead, we live in the Love of Christ. But maybe we need to reconsider our Sabbath. Maybe we need to make it Holy again.  We need to make REST a four letter good word, not a bad word.
It is time to sit back, relax, put our feet up and open our bibles, and spend some time soaking in some of Jesus words, close our eyes and feel His love, be quiet and listen for His whisper. Because He is whispering to us. Jesus is saying. “Nothing else matters, only Me.” “Put your trust in Me” “Put your hope in Me.” “I love you” When was the last time you were quiet enough to hear those words? Make today that day.
Your challenge for this week is to take a moment to sit in your classroom either when it is empty or when the children are sleeping and just listen for God to whisper to you. Ask Him for guidance with the children that you have and then sit back and wait.

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